The International Q’eros Foundation


The International Q’eros Foundation was created by Elders of the Q’eros Nation, in consultation with the Pachamama and APUS.  Our projects are developed under the authority & permission of the various Provincial Presidents, and Alcaldes of the Q’ero.

The vision and purpose of the International Q’ero Foundation (IQF) is to promote and sustain the Andean Cosmovision, the Indigenous identity and culture of the Q’eros Indigenous Peoples of the High Andes for the next Seven Generations.

IQF’s primary goal is to bring life sustaining relief to the Q’eros, while seeding into longevity for the future.

The Foundation will support a variety of projects in the Andes including the support of clean water, solar electricity, short wave radio communication, and education. We support the Q’eros through international gatherings, which provides a forum for them to communicate information and offer transmissions of their lineage to the whole of the Pachamama Earth

The mission of the IQF is to sustain the longevity of the Q’eros Indigenous Peoples of Peru, its native culture and heritage for the next seven generations; through a variety of projects in the Andes.



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