Fondations Communautaires du Canada

We work with donors to build endowment funds that ensure vital futures for communities.


We grant funds to the widest possible range of organizations and initiatives.


We bring people together from all parts of our communities to stimulate new ideas, build participation and strengthen community philanthropy.


We bring donors to the table as community builders, and help them formulate and realize their philanthropic goals, matching their interests and concerns with community needs and organizations, and finding innovative and responsible ways to give their investments lasting impact.


We take the broadest view of what a community is and what it needs to succeed. This is why our grants support everything from shelter, sustenance and care for those most in need, to recreation, the arts, and the environment.


We take the long-term view for our communities: we identify long-term needs and opportunities and invest in sustainable solutions, helping our communities become resilient, resourceful, and ready for the future they want.

Community Foundations of Canada / Fondations communautaires du Canada

 123 Slater Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H2   Canada

Phone: +1.613-236-2664  Fax: +1-613-236-1621

Carolyn Leslie : cleslie@


123 Slater Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H2 Canada

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