MSF Supply

“Purchase, storage, transport : humanitarian aid is logistics”

MSF Supply is the international procurement agency of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). As such, its aim is to ensure the responsiveness of MSF’s work by supplying the equipment and consumables required by its missions.

This supply meets operational needs by fulfilling the quality criteria, pricing criteria and delivery terms (lead times, modes of transport and national delivery address) set out by the missions.

MSF Supply also supplies other MSF operational sections and, to a lesser extent, other humanitarian and international non-profit organisations.

This allows us to build synergies between MSF sections and to develop our proven expertise in the field of humanitarian logistics.

Pharmaceutical activities: The wholesale distribution of medicinal products is an important activity in integrated supply chain management.

These guidelines lay down appropriate tools to assist wholesale distributors in conducting their activities and to prevent falsified medicines from entering the legal supply chain. Compliance with these guidelines will ensure control of the distribution chain and consequently maintain the quality and the integrity of medicinal products.


s.c.r.l MSF Supply c.v.b.a, Chée de Vilvorde / Vilvoordsestweg 140, 1120 Neder-Over-Heembeek, BELGIUM

Phone:  +322.249.10.00

Fax: +322.249.10.01


Chaussée de Vilvorde / Vilvoordsestweg 140, 1120 Neder-Over-Heembeek, BELGIUM

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