Inventors for the Digital World INRIA


Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,449 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main: players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies. The researchers at Inria published over 4,500 articles in 2013. They are behind over 270 active patents and 110 start-ups. In 2013, Inria’s budget came to 235 million euros, 25% of which represented its own resources.


Inria is organised around five fields of research. Each field of research is headed up by a Deputy Scientific Director, who coordinates research and forward planning in his/her field…. Meet our five chief scientists. Our five fields of research:

  • Digital Health, Biology and Earth
  • Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation
  • Perception, Cognition & Interaction
  • Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
  • Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture


Inria, Domaine de Voluceau, 78150 Rocquencourt, France

Phone: +331 39 63 55 11

Fax: +331 39 63 53 30


Domaine de Voluceau, 78150 Rocquencourt, France

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