

Since the beginning, Equiterre has relied on a dedicated team of specialists from a variety of fields. With the help of citizens, organizations and governments, it develops projects in agriculture, transportation, fair trade, energy, responsible consumption and climate change.

Mission :

Equiterre helps build a social movement by encouraging individuals, organizations and governments to make ecological and equitable choices, in a spirit of solidarity.

We see the everyday choices we all make – food, transportation, housing, gardening, shopping – as an opportunity to change the world, one step at a time.

Our consulting, awareness-raising and research projects offer concrete solutions to promote human and environmental health, social justice and community development at home and abroad. We also advocate publicly on environmental and social issues, encouraging decision makers to adopt laws and practices that will contribute to a society that is sustainable and fair.

History :

Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992: Activists from around the world gathered to discuss solidarity and respect for the environment. Several Quebec participants decided to create a citizens’ group to propose concrete solutions to such problems as pollution, large scale industrialization, and the exploitation of workers in the South.

In 1993, they established ASEED (Action for Solidarity, Equity, Environment and Development). It obtained nonprofit status in 1995 and changed its name to Equiterre in 1998.

Since the beginning, Equiterre has relied on a dedicated team of specialists from a variety of fields. With the help of citizens, organizations and governments, it develops projects in agriculture, transportation, fair trade, energy, responsible consumption and climate change.



Headquarters in Montreal :

Centre for Sustainable Development, 50 Ste-Catherine St. West, suite 340, Montreal, QC, Canada, H2X 3V4

Phone: +1(514) 522-2000  Toll Free: 1-877-272-6656  Fax:+1 (514) 522-1227 Email: info@equiterre.org


Quebec City office, 870 Salaberry Ave., suite 226, Québec, Qc , G1R 2T9,  CANADA

Bureau d’Ottawa, 75, Albert Street, bureau 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7, CANADA


50 Ste-Catherine St. West, suite 340 Montreal, Quebec , Canada, H2X 3V4


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